Even well-built structures wear out and fall apart over time. When this happens, you can either start a renovation project or hire demolition contractors. It is important to know your options if you are considering demolishing your property. 

Here are five factors to consider before a complete teardown.

What you are hoping to achieve in the long term

Changing your mind can be expensive, so it is important to know exactly what you are hoping to achieve in the long run. You need to consider the costs of the demolition and how much you will spend on the rebuild. If you are not entirely sure about your goals and how to go about achieving them, speak to Smoot

5 Factors To Consider Before A Complete Teardown


When land is scarce and you have certain prerequisites for your new home, it may make sense to purchase a lot that includes a home. Instead of trying to fix problems in an old house, you can tear it down to make room for something new. 

Some of the most convenient communities are already built, so the only option to find an empty lot is to acquire an existing home and then demolish it to make room. In many cases, the main value of the property is the land, not the building itself.

Remodeling or Total Demolition?

If the structure of the building is still sound, you should consider renovation rather than demolition. Remodeling is time-consuming, but the end result will be a totally unique building. Working with an established structure provides some people with a creative outlet. Other times, it makes more sense to level the building so you can start from scratch.

You must examine not just the current building structure’s strength, but also the building’s scale and potential risks. If you want to extend your home or create a multi-family structure in situ, home demolition may be more cost-effective and efficient than improvements. 

Full demolition reduces the property to dirt, leaving only the dirt behind. You will have a blank slate to build your ideal home.

Does the home have historic value?

If the house is in a historic district, there may be restrictions on what can be done inside. Some cities and counties have rules that prevent historic buildings from being torn down completely. You should check with the local building department to see if there are any deed limitations or city rules that must be obeyed. These rules may limit your alternatives or even prevent you from making a decision.

Local demolition permits

City and county rules are always changing, so you must stay current on local needs and permissions. Most cities and towns have rules that say you need permission to tear down a building before you can start. 

Keep in mind that the time it takes to obtain permission can be lengthy. Do not put off getting the necessary permits until the last minute because a permit delay will cause your entire schedule to be pushed back.

Finally, check with the utility companies about any permissions or disconnection needs. Contact the water, electric, and gas companies to find out how and when to disconnect the house. This step is critical to avoiding an accident and perhaps disrupting neighborhood services.