When coming into the ownership of land, construction becomes a very real possibility, depending on the laws and litigation of your local housing authority. However, the real work begins via cultivating the land to prepare for that kind of foundational building. 

Enter land clearing – a task that will need to be undertaken no matter what you hope to do with the space. It might be that the remnants of past constructions, debris, stored items, trees or simple overgrowth of the vegetation prevent access, logistical planning and safe development of your land. This is especially true when curating the space for the proper slab foundations that serve as a prerequisite for any justified construction at all.

For this reason, land clearing should be considered an essential need for those hoping to curate their environment in the best manner.

How should you approach land clearing?

A land clearing task can be simple or complex depending on its makeup. It might be that clearing vegetation, safely disposing of old building materials and removing waste from your property can be done yourself, or with the aid of specialist services.

However, it’s essential to be fully aware of exactly what your land offers, including its stability, weather exposure and conditions, and more. For instance, clearing steep land may be a difficult job for one person. What matters is developing a plan for land clearing, taking into mind specific areas, logistical access, storage and more. It could be that hiring a large waste skip could help you more easily transition waste from one area to another ready for professional removal, for instance.

We’d recommend you first inspect the land thoroughly for items to remove, issues to fix, and warnings to look out for. From there, you may consider:

What services should you consider?

Professional land clearing services, such as Smoot Contracting Group. They are professionally trained and qualified to remove heavy debris from land. They can also grub, grade, level, pad prep, and commit to thorough excavation if need be. 

They also specialize in full teardowns of already-present structures and can engage in safe and effective demolition that permits a clean and timely clearing of the land. With a service like this you can save money and time, because their efficient, professional capabilities will lead to large jobs being completed in half the time a single landowner could commit to them. Not only that, but Smoot Contracting Group will work fully in line with local housing and zoning authority legislation, keeping up with all essential ordinances and doing so in an eco-friendly manner.

What restrictions may be in place?

In Arizona, Land Clearing is defined as “The act of removal, destruction or physical alteration of vegetation, soil and rocks by mechanical or chemical means, but does not include mowing, or normal cultivation associated with an agricultural operation.”

Not just States, but most cities will have their particular regulations defining the land clearing possibilities you can take part in before a permit is needed. This is because the local ecosystems are so singular in a local environment that universal legislation cannot possibly account for all the protections that may need to be in place.

How much land clearing can you take part in without a permit?

Often, removal of vegetation, debris and other waste can be conducted without a permit, as it is your right to clear debris from your property, within reason, as a private landowner.  That said, tree removal, levelling, grading, pad prep and more will require a land clearing permit via the local Planning and Development Director.

Anything that can shape or alter the land in any noticeable manner will require a permit from this authority. In some cases, a land clearing permit can work in conjunction with a building permit, allowing you to conduct the whole process in one fell, authorized swoop.

Of course, every single land clearing effort will require its own planning, research, and agreed-upon logistics. For this reason, contacting a professional land clearing service can help you understand the roles and regulations you need to conform to ahead of time.

You’re also much more likely to secure a permit if you state your intent for a verified, professional outfit to take care of the entire planning and execution phase of this land clearing procedure. This is because services like Smoot Contracting Group are used to working within city ordinances and guarantee an effective result, keeping thorough respect for your property, the land you own, and its associated surroundings.